THE POWER OF STEM CELLS: Platelet Rich Plasma Stem Cell Lift
Stem Cell Activation via Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) aka the "Stem Cell Lift." With PRP, science meets healing. It's not just problem management. It's PRO-regeneration. It's damage-targeting, smart-release of highly concentrated growth factors for guided tissue regeneration that corrects the root cause of skin defects, not just the symptoms.
It's age REVERSAL. Damage REVERSAL. Injury CORRECTION. SkinREVIVAL and HEALING, all in one.
Most of us are familiar with PRP and just don't realize it -- It's become a mainstay therapy in orthopaedic medicine to aid the regeneration of damaged tissue in shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, surgical injuries, broken bones, torn ligaments, and such.
As soon as the PRP is administered, concentrated platelets and growth factors are released through the formation of a three-dimensional cross-linked fibrin matrix that's essential to the platelet plug as it serves as a binding site. This scaffolding (fibrin matrix) localizes the growth factors at the desired location and guides tissue regeneration with stem cell activation.
PRP is derived in office from your own blood in a 30 minute procedure with little downtime (some minor swelling and potential bruising that heal ultra fast because of the nature of the PRP). It comes from you, so the chance of allergic or adverse reaction is virtually eliminated. Generally, 1 to 3 procedures (scheduled 4 weeks apart) are needed to reach desired result.
If you've ever thought of having a procedure to address skin aging, volume loss, lines, wrinkles, tone or texture -- this is where you start. PRP Stem Cell Activation is also referred to as Selphyl, Regen, and the Vampire Facelift.