KRAVE offers full Lipoplasty, which is a fat-reducing, skin tightening, and cellulite and stretchmark erasing procedure all in one!
Lipoplasty uses high-frequency waves to dramatically liquefy fat beneath the skin's surface. The fat is then expelled through the lymphatic system, just as it is with diet and exercise. This process is not only capable of eliminating small and large amounts of fat, it also erases cellulite and stretchmarks, and dramatically tightens skin.
With Exilis Ultra 360®, Pollogen TriPollar, Venus Freeze and Venus Legacy lipoplasty at KRAVE, we can remove fat from ALL areas of the body without surgery, without pain and without any change to your daily routine. Our extensive technology breaks down fat quickly and comfortably, giving you remarkable results in ALL of the following areas: Tummy, Muffin Tops, Saddle Bags, Cellulite, Hail Dents, Stretch Marks, Inner Thighs, Love Handles, Bra Bulges, Double Chin, Jowels, Upper Arms, Skin Tightening, Moobs (man boobs :), and all of the other usual suspects.
Lipoplasty typically requires between 3 and 4 treatments, depending on your size, goal, and the area being treated.
The procedure takes about an hour and is somewhat permanent -- it doesn't come completely undone just because time has passed. We do recommend an annual maintenance treatment.