BodyREJUV is all of the pick-me-up and slim-me down that a body needs, anywhere you need it.
Laser technology has changed dramatically in the last couple of years. Lifting sagging skin, dramatic contouring, and eradicating scars, cellulite and stretch marks is possible like never before.
Significant lift, tone and contouring anywhere you need it.
The REJUV and ERASE customized blend of technologies are designed to treat:
Sagging breasts, tummy, thighs, knees, upper arms, and buttocks
Pooches, pounds, extra inches, saddlebags, muffin tops, bra bulges, and all of the other usual suspects.
Cellulite, dimples, dents, dings and hail damage.
Popular options using a customized blend of proprietary treatments:
Weightloss ReSIZE - the only part that stings about losing weight, is the sagging skin. Let us get to work on a special package for you to tighten, tone, resurface, and reSIZE that sagging skin suit!
YummyTUMMY - say goodbye to loose and saggy belly skin, stretch marks and surgical scars...and hello to a tightened, toned and texturally improved new you.
BreastLIFT - your breasts, just lifted and toned. This is a great alternative to surgery and great for men too.
ThighLIFT - lifted, tightened, and toned with dimple and stretch mark reduction..
KneeLIFT - gets rid of that sagging around the knees.
ArmTONE - Upper arms sagging and flacid like a flag in the wind? You're not alone. Let's get them tightened and toned so you can go sleeveless again without cringing!
MommyLIFT - a strategic and significant rejuvenation, tightening and lifting to the areas that being pregnant took a toll on. You're going to love this almost as much as you love your little bundle of joy.
Life's too short to keep it hidden. Show some skin! Call today for a free consultation.